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Hungry Minds

Instructional design
but, you know, good.

We not only feed hungry minds, we teach others how to feed hungry minds as well. Our training programs, micro–learns, e–learning, digital learning, coaching, courses, program reviews & improvements all help learning design professionals grow.

Hungry Minds makes complex ideas simple

Take boring off the menu

At its core, instructional design is the art and science of crafting learning experiences that stick. But it’s so much more than just dumping information on learners and hoping it sinks in (that’s so last century).

At Hungry Minds, we're the masterminds behind training that doesn't suck. The learning we create is effective, impactful, and dare we say it... fun.

By taking a systematic, learner-centred approach, we create programs that are:

  • Engaging: We make learning people lean into. Well-designed learning activates minds and sparks curiosity.

  • Effective: We ensure that training is focused, practical and aligned with real-world performance needs.

  • Efficient: Thoughtful design maximizes everyone's time and energy. There is no filler, no more wasted hours, and no more ‘meh’.

  • Enjoyable: Great instructional design allows for creativity, unpredictability and even a little humour.


The end result is training that’s custom-built for the needs of your learners and organisation. No cookie-cutter courses or one-size-fits-all approaches. Just learning that captivates, activates and truly clicks.

And that's precisely what we deliver. Every. Damn. Time.

And in today's fast-moving world, where upskilling and reskilling are a constant, that’s more important than ever.

Call them our siblings, our comrades, our alter egos – the Hungry Minds group consists of a range of specialised instructional design services.

Did you know that, beyond consulting and learning design, Hungry Minds is a leader in the world of learning design courses?

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